Introduction: the HYPOXI-Extranet

Your access to important files is easy!
With your login into the HYPOXI-Extranet, we deliver fast and easy access to important files about topics, such as Marketing, technical support and Training & Education for our partners.
Here´s some tips how you can use the HYPOXI-Extranet in an efficient way.
Structure: areas of Marketing, Technical Support and Training & Education
We´ve prepared most of the documents in a way that you get a first glance of the document´s content via the preview image. One click on files like PDF and ZIP start the download. Pictures and videos will open in a lightbox after one click and then can be downloaded as well.
Use the search functionality!
We´ve designed the three cloud areas in a way that makes it very easy for you to find the needed files with the search field. Here´s some tips for the search functionality:
- Search for specific key words like “summer”, “S120” or “instructions” – you´ll see the files that contain these key words in a glance.
- You´ll find more specific files even faster when you use several key words in a string like “Folder Studio PDF”
- We´ve stored some files in compressed packages (ZIP-files). If you´re searching for specific files like “Flyer Bikinifeeling InDesign” and get a ZIP file as search result for download, the needed file is packed inside this ZIP file.
Forgot your password? Want to change it? No problem!
If you forgot or misplaced your password and can no longer log into the HYPOXI-Extranet, just click on the “Forgot password” link on the upper right corner of the page. Just fill in your email address on the next page and a new password will be send to you in seconds.
If you´re logged into the Extranet, you can always change your password via the “Change password” link. This new password needs to have these security characteristics:
- At least 8 characters
- At least 1 special character like & or #
- At least one number
Fill in your new password twice, confirm your choice – now your new password is ready to use.